Here's the official blurb of the novel:
"In Amped, people are implanted with a device that makes them capable of superhuman feats. The powerful technology has profound consequences for society, and soon a set of laws is passed that restricts the abilities —and rights— of 'amplified' humans. On the day that the Supreme Court passes the first of these laws, twenty-nine-year-old Owen Gray joins the ranks of a new persecuted underclass known as 'amps'. Owen is forced to go on the run, desperate to reach an outpost in Oklahoma where, it is rumored, a group of the most enhanced amps may be about to change the world -or destroy it."
The premise of Amped definitely sounds interesting (I've even pre-ordered the novel). So am not that surprised that the story has already been optioned by Hollywood. And since Alex Proyas, a director versed in science-fiction, is attached to the project, I'm confident the film will be worth watching.
More information about the movie Amped as soon as details emerge!